Friday, 5 October 2012

Jamie and I went Nam Shan Estate to have a blindfold exercise. We chose that place because both us think Nam Shan Estate is beautiful.
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
#6 - DONE!
I make my own online journal finally!:-D This web will be replace the xanga that I used before. And now is 10 Oct 05:55, I should go to bed now. ZZZ
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
#7 - S.I.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012
#8 - Blast Theory

Visitors to the Radio 3 website agreed to be rung at any time of the day or night. Matt Adams and Ju Row Farr from Blast Theory interviewed them during a one week period
The calls catch people drunk at parties, in art galleries and out on the street. We hear them arguing, shouting at their cats or as their friends grab the handset. They open their lives to the listener, they reveal secrets and declarations of love. From the first call to a Mancunian goth pretending to be Romanian we follow these four people through a week in their lives as they open up to us.

The conversations use the intermittent, slow motion nature of the interview to explore the things that are rarely said, rarely hear, and most importantly, we hear the voices of people alone, confessing, contemplating, opening up to the absent interviewer.

The programme explores the ways in which radio and telephones lend themselves to a certain kind of intimacy. The programme asks how is the rise of the mobile phone affecting how we talk to each one another and what does it mean to talk to strangers?